Astronaut leveling

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Modifier tab.

Astronaut leveling is key feature of the game as their [TES] is affecting other game mechanics :

  • Module positions - Positions in modules have their skill requirements.
  • Moddule effectivity - Hit probability or signal decoding can be improved by stationing astronaut with good skillset.
  • Production - Amount of production and construction queues is affected by sum of engineering skill of all astronauts that player own. Some refining processes have their engineering skill requirements.
  • Amount of modules/blocks player can have - Amount of modules and blocks is affected by sum of scientific skill of all astronauts that player own.
  • Level of blocks/modules - Blocks/modules improvement is limited by tactical modifier which is affected by sum of tactical skill of all astronauts that player own.

Leveling up

Astronaut ready to level up.

To level up the astronaut, astronaut need to acquire experiences which is done by playing EXPERIENCE card. Primary way to get EXPERIENCE card is to kill enemy NPCs. This card adds experience points to ships crew based on card value. Astronaut needs certain amount of XPs to level up based on their current level. After gaining enough XPs, crew icon at right side of screen start flashing meaning there is an astronaut that can be leveled up. After clicking on it, you can see star flashing near astronaut that is ready to level up.


  1. Showing of how many XPs which of crewman get can be skipped, however crew icon will not start blinking if there is astronaut that can be leveled up, so check it from time to time.
  2. EXPERIENCE card can be farmed without having to use it. Card will always shuffle into the deck, if you have free space in hand, it will be drawn automatically.
  3. To gain first few tactical skills, use robot in gun rack tactical slot, as his basic Tes skill is high enough to hit targets, while astronauts on level 0 have low skill and probably won't hit it.
  4. Leveled up astronauts can be subject of trade.